Shelby County Children's Advocacy Center, Inc. is here for our community.
The Mission of the Shelby County Children's Advocacy Center is to promote emotional and physical healing of child abuse victims by uniting the efforts of public agencies and enlisting community support to optimize the prevention, detection, assessment, investigation, and prosecution of child abuse cases.


Denise Merriman - Executive Director

Sarah Shires - Clinical Director

Jade Miller - Forensic Interviewer

Anna Register - Forensic Interviewer

Marlene Hernandez - Family Advocate

Deborah Kirkland - Counselor

Jessica Landverde - counselor

Valerie Warren - Administrative Assistant
Board of Directors

Josh McAdams - President

Terry Scull - Vice President

Sharon Ratcliff - Secretary Treasurer

Clayton Windham

Mollie Litton

Lorei Choate

John Michael Burns

Dr. Keith Miller - Medical

Jennifer Claude - CPS

Tanner Peace - Law Enforcement